Cool Choices: Considerations for Selecting a Fridge in Your Kitchen Remodel

When the holidays come around, there is one thing that many of us can’t get enough of: storage space in our fridge. In the spirit of this situation, let’s talk about fridge selection amidst your new kitchen remodel.

A kitchen remodel is an exhilarating journey, blending form and function to transform one of the most vital spaces in your home. One of the key players in this transformation? The refrigerator. It's not just about keeping your food fresh—it's also about complementing the design, maximizing space, and offering conveniences that make your culinary adventures a breeze. Here are some essential considerations when choosing a fridge for your revamped kitchen.

1. Size and Space:

  • Measure Up: Ensure the fridge fits the allotted space. Remember to account for door swing, ventilation space, and any utility connections.

  • Interior Capacity: Size doesn't just pertain to exterior dimensions. Assess your household's needs to determine the internal storage capacity you'll require.

2. Style and Design:

  • French Door: Popular for its wide shelves and lower freezer. A great pick if you like to store wide dishes or need easy access to fresh foods.

  • Side-by-Side: Offers easy access to both fridge and freezer compartments but may have narrower shelves.

  • Bottom Freezer: Places fresh foods at eye level, with the freezer drawer below.

  • Top Freezer: A classic configuration with the freezer compartment on top.

  • Built-In vs. Freestanding: Built-ins offer a seamless look, while freestanding fridges are generally easier to install and replace.

  • Finish: Stainless steel, black stainless, color, or paneled to match cabinetry? Ensure the fridge complements your kitchen's color palette and design theme.

3. Features and Functionality:

  • Adjustable Shelves: Look for flexible storage options to accommodate tall bottles or large dishes.

  • Temperature Zones: Some upscale fridges offer separate zones with customizable temperatures for meats, produce, or beverages.

  • Water and Ice Dispenser: Assess the placement, ice type (crushed or cubed), and filtration system.

  • Smart Technology: Many modern fridges come with Wi-Fi connectivity, offering features like temperature control via smartphone or integration with voice assistants.

4. Energy Efficiency:

  • Energy Star Rating: An ENERGY STAR-certified fridge ensures you're choosing a model that conserves energy and reduces your carbon footprint.

  • Annual Operating Cost: Consider the fridge's energy consumption, which can impact your utility bills over time.

5. Budget:

While it's tempting to go for a fridge loaded with features, remember to factor in your budget. Balance between the features you desire and the amount you're willing to spend.


Selecting the perfect fridge for your remodeled kitchen is more than just picking the biggest or shiniest model. It's about melding aesthetics with practicality, ensuring your new kitchen not only looks fantastic but functions flawlessly. So, take a moment, consider your needs, dream a little, and make a cool choice that'll serve you well for years to come.


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